4 Very Comfortable Sleeping Positions But Not Recommended for Health Conditions

4 Very Comfortable Sleeping Positions But Not Recommended for Health Conditions

4 Very Comfortable Sleeping Positions But Not Recommended for Health Conditions

Health Lav89 - 4 Very Comfortable Sleeping Positions But Not Recommended for Health Conditions. Sleep is the most important thing to restore energy, but quality sleep is often taken for granted. Recovering energy is no longer a priority in the fast-paced life we ​​live in today, and often has bad consequences.

The following is a review of the effect of sleeping position on the quality and level of energy recovery for the whole day.

Supine Position

The habit of sleeping on your back with your arms facing up is usually called a starfish position. The first obvious benefit of this position is that the spine gets the support needed throughout the night.

Because the face is not constantly rubbing against the pillow, you can minimize the possibility of the appearance of unwanted pimples and prevent wrinkles.

However, the position of the starfish is not without flaws. This position increases the likelihood of snoring and even triggers acid reflux. Sleep experts also do not recommend the location of the arm in that position because of the greater pressure on the shoulder so that it can eventually trigger pain and discomfort. To avoid this, try a little more creative using a pillow. Place a pillow so that the shoulder can get the support needed.

Down Position

Sleeping on your stomach requires you to tilt your head at a certain angle to facilitate breathing. Unfortunately, this also causes tension in the neck and can result in you starting the day with discomfort.

This position is also not recommended because of the lack of support for the natural curvature of the spine. Try placing a pillow under your hips to ease the pressure in the joints and enjoy a good night's sleep comfortably.

Fetal Position

Even though it is very comfortable, the body's roll position by pulling your knees towards your chest and lowering your head down is actually complicating certain things.

This extreme curling position can interfere with inner breathing and result in difficulty breathing at night. The position of the fetus that is so tightly over time can also endanger the spine and limit blood flow throughout the body.

However, for pregnant women, sleeping in a fetal position or lying sideways may give greater freedom of movement and allow the mattress to support the stomach. People who snore loudly may also consider sleeping in this position but with a wider knee and stomach distance.

Oblique Position

Sleeping sideways has its own level of difficulty. At the moment there are still some questions, is it better to sleep sideways to the left or right? and then the problem is whether the arm should be left on the side of the body or widened outward?

Whatever the answer, sleeping sideways proves to be very useful for the spine because the arch is supported in a natural position. Contrary to other sleeping positions, this position also helps reduce the risk of back and neck pain, and sleep apnea. However, unfortunately gravity does not side with you in this position because sleeping aside contributes to aging of the skin which causes wrinkles on the face.

If your arms are stretched outward, blood flow to your shoulders and arms will be limited so that your arms will feel stiff and sore. If possible, try placing your arms on your side of your body while sleeping like this.

Also, whichever side you choose has its own problems. Sleeping sideways to the left makes you risk experiencing heartburn, while sleeping sideways to the right causes unnatural stress on organs such as the liver, lungs and stomach.

Best Sleep position

Take Savasana's position, which is a supine sleeping position with arms on the side of the body and pillows placed below the knees to support the spine. Small pillows are the best tools, you are also free to use any help that gives you a better position.

Deep sleep almost always has a positive impact on body performance during the day and helps maximize productivity. You must be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each sleeping position and try using pillows and other supports to ensure that your rest time feels comfortable and gives you freshness when you wake up in the morning.