Beware Of Spots That Become Early Symptoms Of Skin Cancer

Health Lav89 - Beware Of Spots That Become Early Symptoms Of Skin Cancer. It's good if you are wary of spots that appear on the skin surface abruptly. These spots are often suspected to be early symptoms of skin cancer.
If you feel the start spots that spread quickly and not lost within four weeks, immediately consult this to the doctor. Especially if the spots that hurt when held or issued blood, do not delay the time to consult a doctor because this be the first sign of skin cancer begins to grow on our skin.
The spots known as melanomas occur when normal cells in the skin become abnormal cells that grow out of control. Melanoma often looks like a brown or black mole.
In addition, you should be wary if this melanoma appears suddenly and is not a birthmark. This melanoma can develop into cancer symptoms when the size exceeds 10 mm (normal birthmark or mole less than 10 mm in size).
Not only that, you also should be wary if the skin is exposed to swollen melanoma to crusty. Melanoma is a symptom of skin cancer also has a tendency to continue to grow and spread following the skin tissue.
Cancerous melanoma can be prevented in many ways. One of the most common ways is to protect the skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen. Avoid also exposed to sunlight in the middle of the day.