Symptoms of Skin Cancer In Children

Health Lav89 - Symptoms of Skin Cancer In Children. Knowing the symptoms of skin cancer in children is the best way to avoid the dangers of skin cancer and the chances of cure of skin cancer can be greater, because the treatment of skin cancer symptoms will be easier than the treatment of skin cancer.
Skin cancer is a deadly type of cancer. Although this cancer only attacks the skin, it does not close the possibility if the spread will slowly affect the surrounding organs such as the eye.
So not infrequently skin cancer patients who lose their sense of vision due to the spread of cancer cells that affect the function of the eye. Therefore, for those of you who frequently move outside the room should protect themselves from exposure to direct sunlight.
Speaking of cancer, people still think that this cancer will usually attack in adulthood. But, in fact, children who can be exposed to cancer either because of congenital abnormalities or viruses that attack during the growth period.
Symptoms of skin cancer in children are very important to note and checked early on so that doctors can decide the most appropriate medical and handling measures.
The cause of skin cancer is very diverse, but the most common cause is due to too long exposed to sunlight. Because the sun contains ultraviolet rays that have a very high level of radiation that is 97% and directly penetrate the skin that is not in the sunblock cream protects layer.
In addition, skin cancer can also be caused by a congenital birth pox or DNA abnormalities in the womb although the number is very minimal.
So for that, you as parents should pay attention to your child's health and know some of the symptoms of skin cancer in children include:
Although everyone has a mole, but you need to be vigilant if the mole on your child originally just in the form of small spots suddenly appear enlarged. Enlarge the flies, especially if accompanied by the growth of hair could be a skin symptom in children.
Lips Dry, Hot And Itchy
Skin cancer can also arise in the lip area because the lips are also a layer of skin, if skin cancer on the lips not treated immediately and treated can cause oral cancer.
Usually the symptoms of skin cancer on the lips can be seen from conditions such as dry lips, itchy and hot, a small pink and scaly lumps, irritated, pain touched, numb, bleeding, excessive mouth odor and swollen lips condition and thickened.
Asymmetrical Lumps
Generally the most early symptoms of skin cancer are a lumps, where the lumps that appear on skin cancer is asymmetrical and irregular shape when observed closely.
Leather Foot Scaly
If your child's legs have a lump with scales like white pearls, it could be a symptom of skin cancer. No matter how small the wounds and lumps that arise at the feet of the child, you as his parents need to be noticed.
Reddened Hair
If your child's black hair suddenly turns reddish or even blond, you should be more vigilant and check with your doctor.
Because hair color changes like this is not natural and can be a marker of something that is not right on the scalp of children where it could be a symptom of skin cancer.
Lump With Uneven Flat
If you find lumps that have uneven edges and have a coarse texture if touched on the child, then you should be careful. Because this type of lump can also be a sign of the beginning that your child has early-stage skin cancer.
Skin Easy Blushing (Burned)
Most children are very happy to play outdoors, but it helps you as a parent to be more careful to see if the skin tends to flush because of sunburn after playing outdoors or while going to the beach.
If your child is experiencing the above symptoms, then you should immediately do a check to the doctor in order to get treatment and treatment as soon as possible so the bad things that may happen you can avoid.