How to Eliminate Accident Trauma in Children and Adults

How to Eliminate Accident Trauma in Children and Adults

How to Eliminate Accident Trauma in Children and Adults

Health Lav89 - How to Eliminate Accident Trauma in Children and Adults. Traveling traffic is an activity that is often done by everyone, even every living thing must do it, be it animal or human, but here will be discussed more about human travel activities.

Traveling, especially traveling using vehicles for humans, is one of the things that are mandatory, even at this time it is often and many motorists use vehicles. Both motorized vehicles and other vehicles.

Furthermore, someone who often travels is often the victim of an accident, either an accident because he was hit by a motorbike with a motorbike, a motorbike with a car, a car with a truck, and others partly related to that traffic.

There are also many causes of these drivers being victims or even becoming perpetrators in traffic accidents. Whatever it is, there are certain causes that cause people to become accidents, especially in traffic.

Causes of Traffic Accidents

Sleepy riders

Sleepy riders become unable to concentrate on driving their motorbike or car, so in making the adjustment become unfocused both hands and feet. Of course that way the eyes used to see the journey will be blurred too, so that you cannot see clearly what is in front of you so that an accident occurs.

Road users who like it

Not infrequently found in all countries, people who still use the road arbitrarily, even travel by playing mobile phones, or also by violating traffic signs, which should stop even moving. That will cause an accident too.

Loss of concentration

Riders who lose concentration will make themselves wretched, because in fact driving inevitably must have full concentration, especially in riding a motorcycle. Losing concentration can make everything fall apart as a result, it will be a failure.

How to Get Rid of Trauma Accidents

Traffic accidents will bring a lot of impacts and dangers to people who experience them. One of the impacts of an accident is trauma during an accident and after an accident. Trauma in this accident makes people reluctant to drive again, some even don't want to travel anymore. For that you must know what are the tips and ways to eliminate trauma.

There are several ways you can do to treat trauma after even when an accident, of course, this method is really you should know so that you can overcome the trauma problem yourself if it happens.

Expand pray

Expand praying and get closer to God will make the heart calm down, with a calm heart will make them a little able to relieve the trauma after the accident, when the longer you often pray, the faster you will leave the trauma you are experiencing.

Even though praying cannot get rid of memories with the accident, but at least you can step away from the accident so that there will be courage for you to keep doing the activity as usual.

Don't remember the past

Never try to remember the past if you want trauma to recover quickly. You cannot make an effort to forget it because the more you try to forget it, the more you will remember and always remember the accident. So it's better to do activities that are better than to waste time forgetting this because it will make you even more alert.

Do activities that can concern yourself

Doing activities that can concern yourself will certainly make someone forget about the past. To get rid of the trauma of an accident, finding a new activity will be far more beneficial for you, because with different activities, it will be easier for you to stop remembering the condition of the trauma.

Learning to drive again

If the trauma of your accident is traumatized by a driving accident, the most effective way to fight it is to start learning to drive again. Because the trauma of this traumatized person will certainly feel excessive fear when driving again. Even the most severe is when trauma makes you see the vehicle becomes hysterical because it remembers continuously about the accident.

Excessive trauma like this can make a person's stress. when you can drive again, you have to remember about the danger of riding a motorcycle without security.

Fight your fear or phobia

Fighting fear is not only a way to eliminate fear when it crashes, this method is very good to eliminate the various traumas you experience. If the fear of yourself can be lost easily means the faster you will experience recovery from your trauma.

The way to fight this fear is actually not difficult, if you have good courage. If indeed you don't have enough courage, ask someone close to you or one of the family to support the recovery of your trauma period.