Good Food for Sufferers of Kidney Stones

Health Lav89 - Good Food for Sufferers of Kidney Stones. For those of you who already feel kidney stone disease you should start switching to a healthy diet for the formation of kidney stones do not happen again in your body. There are some foods for kidney stone sufferers that can still be consumed without worrying kidney stones will reappear in your body.
By eating some of these foods as well as you have done the treatment of kidney stones at home. The food is as follows:
1. Strawberry Fruit
In addition to being believed to be an anti-cancer fruit, strawberries are also known as fruits that can be very good for the kidneys. The content of two types of phenols in strawberries are anthocyanins and ellagitannins are very nutritious for the formation of your body structure. Both phenols are also red coloring agents in strawberries that are very useful to prevent oxidative damage. Strawberry is also known as a fruit rich in vitamin C and rich in fiber that is efficacious as an anti-inflammatory in the human body.
2. Fish
Fish is one of the best food for kidney stone patients. Although it is forbidden to consume food that is a group of animal protein such as red meat, chicken, and shrimp. But make no mistake, you can still consume animal protein from fish rich in omega 3. Types of fish that contain omega-3 efficacious to reduce inflammation that had previously been caused by kidney stones that you suffered. Fish that you can eat include mackerel, tuna, and salmon.
3. Apple
Apples are a kind of fruit that is good for patients with kidney stones. Fruit that is also believed to prevent heart disease and cancer also has benefits for your kidney health. Apple has the benefit to dissolve the formation of kidney stones in the body. Consume apples as much as 2 pieces in a day to get the usefulness.
4. Watermelon
If you are one person who is difficult to drink lots of water, then you can switch to diligently eating watermelon fruit. As we know that watermelon has a lot of water content that can help you to shed the kidney stones that you suffer and also prevent the formation of kidney stones again. In addition, watermelon can also cleanse your kidneys without causing pain.
Kidney is one of the important secretive organs in our body, so we are obliged to keep our kidneys to stay healthy. Do not forget to always consume water regularly every day and limit the foods and drinks that are at risk of forming kidney stones in the body.