The Influence of Kidney Stones During Pregnancy That Women Should Know

Health Lav89 - The Influence of Kidney Stones During Pregnancy That Women Should Know. Kidney disease can affect anyone, regardless of age and sex, even pregnant women, though. Many cases occur when pregnant women experience kidney disease because of the condition of pregnancy. Diseases that are vulnerable to attacking pregnant women include hydronephrosis, kidney stones, as well as kidney and urinary tract infections.
Various diseases suffered by pregnant women will certainly directly affect the fetus that is being contained. This time it will specifically discuss about the effect of kidney stones in pregnancy, including what causes pregnant women exposed to kidney stone disease, symptoms, and the influence of kidney stones in pregnancy.
Understanding Kidney Stones
Kidney stones in medical language called nefrolitiasis is a condition when inside the kidney organ formed hard material that resembles a stone shape. The material is waste in the blood filtered by the kidneys. The waste settles, then solidifies and crystallizes over time.
Causes of Kidney Stones During Pregnancy
There are various causes of kidney disease that can affect a person. In this case, for example, pregnancy is one of the most common causes of renal failure in women. This is the cause of kidney stones in pregnancy:
1. Lack of Fluid in Body
Adequate fluid intake is very important for the body. Therefore, one way to treat a good kidney is to drink lots of water. Lack of water can be fatal to the body, because one of the consequences of dehydration is dry kidney disease.
Pregnant women in particular should increase water more than usual. Do not let much water is absorbed by the fetus and the kidneys do not have the fluid to be thrown into urine along with toxins in the body.
2. Genetic Factors
One of the causes of kidney stones in pregnancy is a genetic factor. Pregnancy conditions directly affect the condition of a woman's body, and in each person the effects are not the same.
3. Gastrointestinal infections
Infections that occur in the digestive tract, the intestine or stomach can also trigger the formation of kidney stones in pregnant women. If the stomach has chronic inflammation due to ulcers or other causes can increase the chrysation of calcium ions in the kidney which then becomes kidney stones.
4. Urinary tract infection
One of the causes of urinary tract infections in women is pregnant. An increasingly growing and growing fetus squeezes the urinary tract so that urine is difficult to get out. This is what causes urinary tract infections. Not only that, infection if not treated immediately will cause the development of kidney stones in women who are pregnant.
Symptoms of Kidney Stones During Pregnancy
1. Excessive Pain in the Back
For those of you who are pregnant and feel strange things like pain in the back of excessive, then you also have to be careful. Because if you can happen bad things happen to you and your fetus. So hurry to the doctor to check for the disorder you are experiencing.
2. Pain during Urinating
Pain during urination can mean two things: kidney stones slowly out of the body along with urine or urine coming out of the body past the crystallized stone kidneys. If signs of this kidney stone often appear, immediately consult a doctor. Kidney stones should be handled in order not to get worse.
3. Bloody Urine
One of the early symptoms of kidney disease that often arise is bloody urine. Not always kidney stones, but the bloody urine clearly shows that the kidneys are in trouble. Kidney stones may move inside the kidney organ and scratch the blood vessels in it causing the urine to bleed.
Effects Of Kidney Stones In Pregnancy
1. Dangers to Fetal Health
When a pregnant woman suffers from kidney stones, it is not only her health that is disturbed. The presence of stones in the kidneys will directly affect the health of the fetus as well. The development of the fetus will be disrupted because of the disease. The effect of kidney stones in pregnancy is on the birth of the baby. Infants will complicate the birth process, even in some cases causing the baby to be born prematurely.
2. Kidney Swelling
The swollen kidney disease also threatens pregnant women who suffer from kidney stones. This condition occurs when kidney stones are caused by urinary tract narrowing or kidney stones are already moving and clogging the urinary tract. Swollen kidneys if handled properly will not lead to more severe diseases.
That is the influence of kidney stones in pregnancy that must be understood by every pregnant woman to always be alert to her health condition. Many kidney diseases occur during pregnancy, due to the anatomy of the female body in which the kidney organs are adjacent to the expanding uterus during pregnancy. It is important for pregnant women to check their health condition routinely and thoroughly to anticipate other diseases that are not desirable.
Various diseases suffered by pregnant women will certainly directly affect the fetus that is being contained. This time it will specifically discuss about the effect of kidney stones in pregnancy, including what causes pregnant women exposed to kidney stone disease, symptoms, and the influence of kidney stones in pregnancy.
Understanding Kidney Stones
Kidney stones in medical language called nefrolitiasis is a condition when inside the kidney organ formed hard material that resembles a stone shape. The material is waste in the blood filtered by the kidneys. The waste settles, then solidifies and crystallizes over time.
Causes of Kidney Stones During Pregnancy
There are various causes of kidney disease that can affect a person. In this case, for example, pregnancy is one of the most common causes of renal failure in women. This is the cause of kidney stones in pregnancy:
1. Lack of Fluid in Body
Adequate fluid intake is very important for the body. Therefore, one way to treat a good kidney is to drink lots of water. Lack of water can be fatal to the body, because one of the consequences of dehydration is dry kidney disease.
Pregnant women in particular should increase water more than usual. Do not let much water is absorbed by the fetus and the kidneys do not have the fluid to be thrown into urine along with toxins in the body.
2. Genetic Factors
One of the causes of kidney stones in pregnancy is a genetic factor. Pregnancy conditions directly affect the condition of a woman's body, and in each person the effects are not the same.
If there is a history of kidney stones in the family, it is likely that women who are pregnant will suffer from the same disease, as in the case of polycythritic kidney cysts caused by genetic factors.High levels of calcium in the urine also increase the risk of kidney stones in pregnant women.
3. Gastrointestinal infections
Infections that occur in the digestive tract, the intestine or stomach can also trigger the formation of kidney stones in pregnant women. If the stomach has chronic inflammation due to ulcers or other causes can increase the chrysation of calcium ions in the kidney which then becomes kidney stones.
4. Urinary tract infection
One of the causes of urinary tract infections in women is pregnant. An increasingly growing and growing fetus squeezes the urinary tract so that urine is difficult to get out. This is what causes urinary tract infections. Not only that, infection if not treated immediately will cause the development of kidney stones in women who are pregnant.
1. Excessive Pain in the Back
For those of you who are pregnant and feel strange things like pain in the back of excessive, then you also have to be careful. Because if you can happen bad things happen to you and your fetus. So hurry to the doctor to check for the disorder you are experiencing.
2. Pain during Urinating
Pain during urination can mean two things: kidney stones slowly out of the body along with urine or urine coming out of the body past the crystallized stone kidneys. If signs of this kidney stone often appear, immediately consult a doctor. Kidney stones should be handled in order not to get worse.
3. Bloody Urine
One of the early symptoms of kidney disease that often arise is bloody urine. Not always kidney stones, but the bloody urine clearly shows that the kidneys are in trouble. Kidney stones may move inside the kidney organ and scratch the blood vessels in it causing the urine to bleed.
Effects Of Kidney Stones In Pregnancy
1. Dangers to Fetal Health
When a pregnant woman suffers from kidney stones, it is not only her health that is disturbed. The presence of stones in the kidneys will directly affect the health of the fetus as well. The development of the fetus will be disrupted because of the disease. The effect of kidney stones in pregnancy is on the birth of the baby. Infants will complicate the birth process, even in some cases causing the baby to be born prematurely.
2. Kidney Swelling
The swollen kidney disease also threatens pregnant women who suffer from kidney stones. This condition occurs when kidney stones are caused by urinary tract narrowing or kidney stones are already moving and clogging the urinary tract. Swollen kidneys if handled properly will not lead to more severe diseases.
That is the influence of kidney stones in pregnancy that must be understood by every pregnant woman to always be alert to her health condition. Many kidney diseases occur during pregnancy, due to the anatomy of the female body in which the kidney organs are adjacent to the expanding uterus during pregnancy. It is important for pregnant women to check their health condition routinely and thoroughly to anticipate other diseases that are not desirable.