How to reduce pain due to kidney stone removal ?

How to reduce pain due to kidney stone removal ?

How to reduce pain due to kidney stone removal ?

Health Lav89 - How to reduce pain due to kidney stone removal ?. Removal of kidney stones can naturally get rid of the pain. However, in the meantime, it should take steps to ease the process of passage of the stone through channels and kidney ducts so taking steps to relieve pain may be indispensable. In the next section we will focus on how to reduce pain due to kidney stones.

Drink plenty of water

It is very important to break large masses of stone into small pieces so that the part of the stone becomes easier and also lessen the pain. In this case, drinking lots and lots of water is a great way to ease the pain of kidney stones.

Compress with hot or cold water

Application of hot water or compress with the help of a towel soaked in hot water is a good way to reduce the pain. Some people can not stand the heat and prefer a cold compress at the waist that hurts.

Sport legs and others

It has been proven that walking helps the rock to travel well through the system. In this way he can change positions and ease discomfort.

Avoid calcium and vitamin intake

Because kidney stones are calcium and mineral mass, increasing calcium in your diet, giving more chances to increase the size of the stone. Therefore, the pain will increase.

Stop adding calcium or food intake containing it. Similarly, it still reduces the consumption of vitamin supplements. Vitamins will be joined in the bladder and mass minerals are also added.

A balanced diet

There are certain foods that help in the decomposition of these stones. These include foods containing magnesium, such as orange juice, and (mineral decomposed acids) and natural foods such as diuretics, melons, grapes and others that have a cleansing effect on the kidneys.

Similarly, including herbal teas, juices and apple cider vinegar can help cleanse the system and relieve pain because it contains medicinal properties.

Try to reduce the consumption of birds' meat and poultry, as it takes longer to digest and therefore increases the chances of stone formation.

Avoid over-the-counter medicines

There are some non-prescription medications that can be taken to overcome the pain caused. Some require recipes. Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs of type, narcotics or opioids and others. Some drugs are also given by intravenous injection.

Alternative medicine

And among some people taking alternative treatment options such as acupuncture and other therapies to cope with pain, sometimes surgery is the last thing that can be done to cure kidney disease. And surgery is one of the best options for ending kidney disease.