Causes Of Lung Cancer

Causes Of Lung Cancer

Causes Of Lung Cancer

Health Lav89 - Causes Of Lung Cancer. Smoking can be said to be the main cause of lung cancer. People most at risk for lung cancer are active smokers. About 85 percent of lung cancers are associated with smoking habits. Even so, it does not mean every smoker will get lung cancer. In addition, people who do not smoke also have the possibility of lung cancer, although the number is lower.

The increased risk of lung cancer is associated with:
  • The longer the duration of smoking.
  • More and more cigarettes are consumed daily.
Quitting smoking lowers your risk for cancer, and the risk keeps dropping as long as you do not smoke. Even reducing some number of cigarettes alone can reduce the risk (but the risk will be greatly reduced if it stops completely).

If you live with a smoker, you have a higher risk for lung cancer compared to people living in non-smoking environments. Because this is where you become a passive smoker.

Exposure to some other substances that may increase the risk for lung cancer, including:
  • Smoking a cannabis cigarette can affect the lungs equivalent to smoking a pack of regular cigarettes.
  • Chemicals such as arsenic and asbestos.
  • Exposure to radiation at work, such as radioactive dust.
  • Radon gas, an inert gas, which is a natural decay product of uranium.
Some gene changes (mutations) may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. These genetic changes are largely due to age. In addition, the presence of certain diseases of the lungs, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is also associated with a slightly increased risk (4-6 times the risk of smokers) to have lung cancer.