5 Facts About Caffeine In Coffee

5 Facts About Caffeine In Coffee

5 Facts About Caffeine In Coffee

Health Lav89 - 5 Facts About Caffeine In Coffee. Many people who like to drink coffee in the morning to feel more spirit and not sleepy anymore. This is due to the additional energy supplied by the caffeine in coffee.

There are interesting facts about caffeine you should know:

1. Similar to Brain-Produced Chemical Substances

Because of the similarity of its molecular structure, caffeine may be associated with adenosine receptors in brain cells. Adenosine is a transmitting nerve that sends impulses to the brain.

When caffeine is consumed, the caffeine molecule replaces adenosine to block its drowsiness and awaken nerve cell activity. This is what makes people not sleepy after drinking coffee and feel energized.

2. Durable in the Human Body

Blood flow and body tissue absorb caffeine within 45 minutes after consumption. However, to be removed from the body takes 4 hours. At that time does not mean the whole caffeine will come out.
This means it takes 12 hours to destroy caffeine in one cup of coffee. So if you consume more than one cup of coffee a day, it will take longer to shed the caffeine from the body.

3. Can Cause Over Dosage

When consuming too much caffeine, certainly not good for the body can even cause death from overdose. Nowadays a lot of caffeine powder is sold freely, this powder contains 100% caffeine. Many people use it to increase energy, concentrate learning, or lose weight.

Eating 5 grams of caffeine are the same as drinking 30-50 cups of coffee. The amount of caffeine safe consumed by adults per day is only 400 mg. As for pregnant women only as much as 200 mg only.

4. Caffeine Exacerbates Stress

For those of you who are under stress, avoid drinking coffee. Because caffeine contained in it can strengthen stress. Caffeine strengthens the stress response in the body, as well as increases blood pressure and heart rate. This condition is not good for patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

5. As a Natural Pesticide

When it was still a plant, the caffeine contained in coffee trees, tea trees, and also cacao trees could function as natural pesticides. Even in high doses, caffeine can be an insect poison.