6 Side Effects of Probiotics You Need to Beware

Health Lav89 - 6 Side Effects of Probiotics You Need to Beware. Because of the emphasis on the benefits of probiotics, so far we may not be too concerned with the side effects of probiotics in our bodies. Indeed, probiotic foods can work to improve the quality of the digestive system, metabolism, and overall immune function.
You can get a probiotic intake from supplements or by eating foods that have gone through a fermentation process. It's just that not much research has been done to examine the benefits of fermentation products.
Good Bacteria in Probiotics
Basically, probiotic foods are foods that contain good bacteria. These bacteria will help improve the quality of the digestive function, help the digestive process and the process of food decay.
This good bacterium also includes suppressing the development of pathogenic bacteria that cause a number of infections. In food probiotics also contain acid components which are the production compounds of bacteria. This acidic compound itself helps restore the body's acid-base balance.
Although said to have a number of health benefits, apparently a number of reports appear related to the side effects of probiotics. Some probiotic food consumers show a number of symptoms and complaints.
Causes of Probiotic Side Effects
Although said to be rich in benefits, the bacterial component in a number of acidic compounds in the probiotic food product can cause a number of negative reactions in some people.
The main reason is a person's hypersensitivity to the acid component or to the activity of these healthy bacteria in the body. Hypersensitivity usually occurs because you are not used to eating probiotic foods. If this condition happens, actually over time the body will adapt and get used to taking probiotics.
But some people do tend to be hypersensitive to the components in fermented foods. Especially if he also has a hypersensitivity to the special content of probiotic foods such as being sensitive to milk, sensitive to gluten, or sensitive to alcohol.
6 Probiotic Side Effects
As explained that a number of people can become hypersensitive to probiotic foods and from the many complaints that arise, at least 6 of the following complaints are the probiotic side effects that most consumers report or complain about.
Bloating problems are the most common complaint in those who are sensitive to probiotic foods. Some bacteria do work to slow down the digestive process and also encourage more gas production in the digestive tract.
In certain conditions, a person can complain about the effects of bloating which is very disturbing. They will easily feel nauseous, full, and often throw gas. The side effects of probiotics that cause bloating were also explained in the American Journal of Health System Pharmacy in 2010.
Constipation and diarrhea
In addition to causing bloating, probiotics can also cause constipation. Again, this is because the effects of bacterial performance on digestion which causes the process of digestion of food to take place more intensively. Food runs slower in the intestine to be absorbed more completely and slows bowel emptying.
Although in most people probiotic foods actually help overcome constipation, but at The Annals of Pharmacotherapy in 2007 the possibility of probiotics can actually cause constipation.
A temporary guess, the sufferer already has a disorder related to constipation, and probiotics only worsen the condition. Or because of lack of consumption of soluble fiber-rich foods that help increase the water content in the feces.
However, on the other hand, taking probiotics can also encourage diarrhea. Basically good bacteria from probiotics can indeed help smooth the digestive process. This is because the arrival of food scraps in the large intestine, the process of decay and fecal mass formation takes place more effectively.
Sometimes this can trigger diarrhea, this is thought to be due to the effect on the levels of food probiotics that we consume excessively. While the fiber consumed is not too sufficient to form a denser mass of feces.
Allergy triggering
In several case findings, it turns out that a number of types of bacteria such as Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus hilgardii and Streptococcus thermophilus can trigger an increase in histamine production. This was briefly explained in the 2012 Journal of Frontier of Bioscience.
Histamine itself is a component of chemical compounds produced by the body's immune system to form a resistance to the entry of foreign objects into the body.
High histamine will cause blood vessels to dilate and encourage more blood to enter the area. Along with increasing blood supply, the body will also increase immunity fluid supply to the area concerned.
These chemical compounds encourage the body to feel an itch effect which then causes a person to sneeze or cough. Histamine can also encourage someone to experience the effects of itchy bumps.
In those with allergic problems, the body does not have a control system for histamine production. So that when excessive histamine levels the body is unable to reduce it to normal levels. This causes a recurrence of a person's innate allergies.
Trigger headaches
Some people also show symptoms of headaches when eating probiotic foods. Actually, this is related to the content of amines in probiotic foods such as yogurt or sauerkraut.
Amines are natural compounds in fermented foods that contain protein and give certain reactions to the body. Actually histamine is also part of this compound amines, in addition to several other types including tyramine, tryptamine, and phenylethylamine.
According to the Headache Journal source in 2016, foods rich in amines can work quite varied by the body. Starting from affecting central and peripheral nerve function, affecting blood circulation, and can be a trigger for headache problems.
These types of chemical compounds amines did indeed work significantly on the slowing of blood supply to the brain and reduce nerve function. In research in the 1993 Journal of the Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, it was explained that a decrease in amines in the body can reduce the tendency of headaches to 75%.
Triggering infection
Although still in rare quantities, a number of cases of irritation and infection in the digestion are triggered by excessive consumption of probiotic foods. Infection can also occur in other organs in the body.
According to the source of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 1996, infection can occur when bacteria enter the bloodstream and infect organs outside the digestive organs. Or occurs when the level of good bacteria becomes excessive. This can encourage bacteria to behave aggressively and damage.
Some cases of infection due to good bacteria can also occur due to the body's immunity has indeed decreased, either because of the syndrome associated with immunity or HIV / AIDS infection. This is because good bacteria should not be aggressive and destructive, unless the immune system is no longer able to suppress attacks.
Effect of intolerance
A number of probiotic food products are made from milk, protein or gluten. And this is where it is interesting, because even though it is healthy and beneficial, it does not necessarily make these probiotic foods lose milk or gluten in them.
This triggers a reaction of body intolerance. Usually occurs with symptoms of itching, rash, shortness of breath, swelling, and so forth. The patient will experience a reaction to the entry of food components that the body cannot tolerate.
Apparently, behind the high benefits of probiotics, you also need to be aware of the side effects of probiotics. Although cases of negative reactions from probiotics do not always appear, a number of unexpected people have a higher sensitivity to probiotic components.
That's why, make sure to take a limited amount of probiotics, or not excessive. For those of you who are just trying to take probiotics, try to make sure to try a little first, to make sure your body does not react negatively to it and cause side effects of probiotics on the body.
You can get a probiotic intake from supplements or by eating foods that have gone through a fermentation process. It's just that not much research has been done to examine the benefits of fermentation products.
Good Bacteria in Probiotics
Basically, probiotic foods are foods that contain good bacteria. These bacteria will help improve the quality of the digestive function, help the digestive process and the process of food decay.
This good bacterium also includes suppressing the development of pathogenic bacteria that cause a number of infections. In food probiotics also contain acid components which are the production compounds of bacteria. This acidic compound itself helps restore the body's acid-base balance.
Although said to have a number of health benefits, apparently a number of reports appear related to the side effects of probiotics. Some probiotic food consumers show a number of symptoms and complaints.
Causes of Probiotic Side Effects
Although said to be rich in benefits, the bacterial component in a number of acidic compounds in the probiotic food product can cause a number of negative reactions in some people.
The main reason is a person's hypersensitivity to the acid component or to the activity of these healthy bacteria in the body. Hypersensitivity usually occurs because you are not used to eating probiotic foods. If this condition happens, actually over time the body will adapt and get used to taking probiotics.
But some people do tend to be hypersensitive to the components in fermented foods. Especially if he also has a hypersensitivity to the special content of probiotic foods such as being sensitive to milk, sensitive to gluten, or sensitive to alcohol.
6 Probiotic Side Effects
As explained that a number of people can become hypersensitive to probiotic foods and from the many complaints that arise, at least 6 of the following complaints are the probiotic side effects that most consumers report or complain about.
Bloating problems are the most common complaint in those who are sensitive to probiotic foods. Some bacteria do work to slow down the digestive process and also encourage more gas production in the digestive tract.
In certain conditions, a person can complain about the effects of bloating which is very disturbing. They will easily feel nauseous, full, and often throw gas. The side effects of probiotics that cause bloating were also explained in the American Journal of Health System Pharmacy in 2010.
Constipation and diarrhea
In addition to causing bloating, probiotics can also cause constipation. Again, this is because the effects of bacterial performance on digestion which causes the process of digestion of food to take place more intensively. Food runs slower in the intestine to be absorbed more completely and slows bowel emptying.
Although in most people probiotic foods actually help overcome constipation, but at The Annals of Pharmacotherapy in 2007 the possibility of probiotics can actually cause constipation.
A temporary guess, the sufferer already has a disorder related to constipation, and probiotics only worsen the condition. Or because of lack of consumption of soluble fiber-rich foods that help increase the water content in the feces.
However, on the other hand, taking probiotics can also encourage diarrhea. Basically good bacteria from probiotics can indeed help smooth the digestive process. This is because the arrival of food scraps in the large intestine, the process of decay and fecal mass formation takes place more effectively.
Sometimes this can trigger diarrhea, this is thought to be due to the effect on the levels of food probiotics that we consume excessively. While the fiber consumed is not too sufficient to form a denser mass of feces.
Allergy triggering
In several case findings, it turns out that a number of types of bacteria such as Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus hilgardii and Streptococcus thermophilus can trigger an increase in histamine production. This was briefly explained in the 2012 Journal of Frontier of Bioscience.
Histamine itself is a component of chemical compounds produced by the body's immune system to form a resistance to the entry of foreign objects into the body.
High histamine will cause blood vessels to dilate and encourage more blood to enter the area. Along with increasing blood supply, the body will also increase immunity fluid supply to the area concerned.
These chemical compounds encourage the body to feel an itch effect which then causes a person to sneeze or cough. Histamine can also encourage someone to experience the effects of itchy bumps.
In those with allergic problems, the body does not have a control system for histamine production. So that when excessive histamine levels the body is unable to reduce it to normal levels. This causes a recurrence of a person's innate allergies.
Trigger headaches
Some people also show symptoms of headaches when eating probiotic foods. Actually, this is related to the content of amines in probiotic foods such as yogurt or sauerkraut.
Amines are natural compounds in fermented foods that contain protein and give certain reactions to the body. Actually histamine is also part of this compound amines, in addition to several other types including tyramine, tryptamine, and phenylethylamine.
According to the Headache Journal source in 2016, foods rich in amines can work quite varied by the body. Starting from affecting central and peripheral nerve function, affecting blood circulation, and can be a trigger for headache problems.
These types of chemical compounds amines did indeed work significantly on the slowing of blood supply to the brain and reduce nerve function. In research in the 1993 Journal of the Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, it was explained that a decrease in amines in the body can reduce the tendency of headaches to 75%.
Triggering infection
Although still in rare quantities, a number of cases of irritation and infection in the digestion are triggered by excessive consumption of probiotic foods. Infection can also occur in other organs in the body.
According to the source of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 1996, infection can occur when bacteria enter the bloodstream and infect organs outside the digestive organs. Or occurs when the level of good bacteria becomes excessive. This can encourage bacteria to behave aggressively and damage.
Some cases of infection due to good bacteria can also occur due to the body's immunity has indeed decreased, either because of the syndrome associated with immunity or HIV / AIDS infection. This is because good bacteria should not be aggressive and destructive, unless the immune system is no longer able to suppress attacks.
Effect of intolerance
A number of probiotic food products are made from milk, protein or gluten. And this is where it is interesting, because even though it is healthy and beneficial, it does not necessarily make these probiotic foods lose milk or gluten in them.
This triggers a reaction of body intolerance. Usually occurs with symptoms of itching, rash, shortness of breath, swelling, and so forth. The patient will experience a reaction to the entry of food components that the body cannot tolerate.
Apparently, behind the high benefits of probiotics, you also need to be aware of the side effects of probiotics. Although cases of negative reactions from probiotics do not always appear, a number of unexpected people have a higher sensitivity to probiotic components.
That's why, make sure to take a limited amount of probiotics, or not excessive. For those of you who are just trying to take probiotics, try to make sure to try a little first, to make sure your body does not react negatively to it and cause side effects of probiotics on the body.