Some Type of Influenza Vaccine You Need To Know

Some Type of Influenza Vaccine You Need To Know

Some Type of Influenza Vaccine You Need To Know

Health Lav89 - Some Type of Influenza Vaccine You Need To Know. There are two types of influenza vaccine, namely trivalent and quadrivalent. Trivalent influenza vaccine is a vaccine containing two strains of the influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) viruses, as well as the influenza B virus strain. And quadrivalent influenza vaccines contain two strains of the influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) viruses, and two strains of influenza B.

The trivalent influenza vaccine includes:
  • The standard trivalent dose (IIV3) produced by using a virus planted in eggs. The vaccine is administered through an injection procedure, but can also be a jet injector for adults aged 18 to 64 years.
  • Trivalent high doses are reserved for older people (over 65 years).
  • Injectable trivalent infleunza vaccine made with additional ingredients may be given for people aged 65 and older.
  • Tissalent injections of egg-free combinations are approved for use in persons over 18 years of age.
Meanwhile, the quadrivalent influenza vaccine includes:
  • Quadrivalent flu injections are given for certain age groups.
  • Intradermal quadrivalent injection (injected into the skin instead of the muscle and using a smaller needle) is reserved for people aged 18 to 64 years.
  • Quadrivalent injections contain viruses grown in cell culture reserved for children aged 4 years and over.
Live influenza vaccines are available in dosage forms given through nasal sprays, and can be given to healthy people aged 2 to 49 years.